Amelia Peabody  Charitable Fund

Prior to her death in 1984, Amelia Peabody personally gave more than $8 million to various charities. The Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund was formally established under her estate plan as a private foundation to continue her philanthropy in perpetuity. Since 1986, the trustees have reviewed more than 6,400 grant applications and awarded nearly $220 million to organizations within the sphere of her varied interests.

Amelia Peabody's intellect, gentility, compassion, curiosity, and artistic spirit will live on in perpetuity through the trustees' efforts on her behalf. 

Mission Statement:

To continue Amelia Peabody’s philanthropy in perpetuity through grants to qualified non-profit organizations existing and operating in Massachusetts in the areas of medicine (human and animal), social welfare, visual arts, historic preservation, and land conservation. Grants are made exclusively for capital projects and capital purchases.

Grants may be made to select organizations to which Miss Peabody made significant contributions during her lifetime.


If your project and organizational purpose fit the APCF Mission Statement, the trustees invite you to apply for a grant.